CompTIA Certification Testing by VUE with virtual delivery

  • Step 1

    After you have qualified to take your exam, request your exam voucher through the GetCertified site.  Make sure you have obtained your e-badge ID number for this step.

  • Step 2

    Go to: and run a system test using the same computer and network that you will use to take your exam.

    The system test will take 5 to 10 minutes to complete. You will be prompted to take photos of yourself and your exam workspace. To prepare your exam workspace move all books and writing objects out of arm’s reach, unplug additional monitors and computers, and clear your walls of any writing (e.g., on whiteboards). You will also need an ID and phone (which must be set out of arm’s reach after check-in.)

    To avoid delays and added stress during your testing appointment, complete the system test prior to the start of your exam appointment.

  • Step 3

    If you do not have one already, create a Pearson VUE testing account.  Once you have an  account you can schedule your CompTIA Virtual exam.

How to sign-up for the exam:

  • Have you familiarized yourself with each exam objectives?

  • Did you review the acronyms for complete understanding?

  • Did you view the MP4 videos to assist in areas of uncertainty?

  • Did you review the Test Taking Tips to ensure you are prepared to answer each question concisely?

And Lastly . . .

  • Have you taken each of the Practice Exams and completed each at a competency level of 85% or greater?

When you have completed the practice exams at a competency level of 85% or greater, you will receive a serialized e-badge tied to your name and sent to your email address.